Offshore Life Jacket
This PFD is designed for extended survival in rough, open water. It usually will turn an unconscious person face up and has over 22 pounds of buoyancy. This is the best PFD to keep you afloat in remote regions where rescue may be slow in coming.
Near Shore
Buoyant Vest
This "classic" PFD comes in several sizes for adults and children and is for calm inland water where there is chance of fast rescue. It is less bulky and less expensive than a Type I, and many will turn an unconscious person face-up in the water.
Flotation Aid
Special Use Device
Inflatable Life Jacket
These life jackets are generally considered the most comfortable, with styles for different boating activities and sports. They are for use in calm water where there is good chance of fast rescue since they will generally not turn an unconscious person face-up. Flotation aids come in many sizes and styles.
Special Use Device
Special use PFDs include work vests, deck suits, and hybrids for restricted use. Hybrid vests contain some internal buoyancy and are inflatable to provide additional flotation.
TYPE 3 and 5
Inflatable Life Jacket
These are highly visibile when inflated and turns most wearers and unconscious users face-up faster than traditional PFD's.
Nice blog! There are various types of life jackets. Choose the best one that fits you well. Jetpilot offers you wide range of men and womens life jackets.